Pierce Morley-Barnes, of Cricket World®, writes about his progress as an aspiring county cricketer...

Thursday 1 May 2008

Twice As Many Runs As Mistakes...

Some good news today as I passed my driving test with just three minors, this will enable me to get to my cricket nets a lot more and have more freedom.

On the cricket field, times are still bad in 2008. I did not last very long on Sunday against Caythorpe in the Notts Premier League and was cleaned up second ball. It was a good delivery and I think that I was through the shot way to quickly. When in a rut, I am sure that you do get these good balls that have your name on it, but still I am getting very frustrated and upset about my performances this year.

After speaking to my coach, he said that there is nothing to worry about as you do not become a bad player overnight. Apparently I am just one shot away, whether this be smoking a cover drive or nicking one through the slips to get me going.

Since the weekend, I have been to my club nets with my dad and had dozens of throw downs to try and get me back into the groove. I can not see a problem with the way that I am striking the ball, but I feel that I am losing concentration after hitting a few sweetly timed shots.

Unfortunately, my game for the NUSC was cancelled against a Newcastle school side due to the rain the night before. It was a real shame that I could not get out and try to gain some form in the middle.

My plan of action for this weekend's games is to grit it out when in the middle and not worry about the rate I am scoring. I used to talk to myself when batting to psyche myself up but of late I have not been getting in the mood.

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